Your mattress plays a vital role in the quality of your sleep, and by keeping it clean, you can ensure that your nights are spent feeling clean and healthy.
Without you knowing it, every night, your body sheds millions of skin cells, which settle into the fabric along with sweat and dust, combining over time to create an unhygienic environment if it is not cleaned when it should be. If given the opportunity, a warm, humid mattress can become the perfect place for bacteria and dust mites to develop, leading to allergies, congestion, and even sleepless nights. If you’ve ever woken up feeling stuffy or itchy, your mattress might be causing this.
A typical mattress that is not cleaned as it should be can collect thousands of dust mites and a surprising amount of sweat over time.
The average person loses around 200 millilitres of moisture every night, and without proper cleaning, this can lead to musty smells and an enjoyable place to sleep. By keeping up a regular cleaning routine for your mattress, you can ensure that there are no built-up allergens, can keep the fabric fresh, and in turn extend the life of your mattress.
A mattress that is looked after can last up to ten years, while one that is never cleaned might start to feel uncomfortable much sooner than this, giving you more reason to look after your mattress. Like anything, it will look after you if you look after it.
So with that in mind, we've put together a step by step guide to help you with the process of cleaning your mattress, so you can enjoy a great night's sleep, night after night.